Off the boat and onto solid land, though it doesn’t feel so solid. A short walk to see the captive tortoises at Darwin Station, and that’s the so called 8th day of the cruise. I parted ways with the other passengers as they took the arranged ride to the airport and I went to the hotel to rest, write these updates, and enjoy the seaside town for a day. The hotel is a nice modern building and is in no way a hostel, though in that price range and found on Hostelworld.
The town of Puerto Ayora has one seaside street from the marina to Darwin Station lined with tourist restaurants, souvenir shops, and diving agencies. The marina area serves as the town center. Two blocks into town there is a shorter street of Ecuadorian restaurants costing $1-2 more than the ones in Quito.

When you don’t have enough space for a theater, a skate park, a volleyball court, a bike garage, a playground, and a marina, you superimpose them.
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Cost today: $52.76
Cumulative cost: $4,246.87