After school today I wandered around a bit in search of a store where I might buy a replacement Sony camera. It took me a while to even find the mall that I seemed to keep running into on my first day walking around, and still no luck finding a real electronics store that sells cameras. No, I haven’t Googled yet. Everywhere I turn in this city there are cell phones, cell phones, headphones, cell phones. Some bigger stores feature TVs and audio equipment. I have not seen cameras anywhere save for a small photography shop and the Montufar. I’ve walked by that shop a few times and I’ve never seen anyone in it. It struck me that this isn’t so strange. All those phones are cameras, better than most point and shoots. Photography with dedicated equipment is an expensive niche hobby, and the locals have more important things to worry about, like replacing their stolen cell phones.
Cost today: $66.05
Cumulative cost: $2,299.38