I almost didn’t make it to the jungle today. The logistics guy bought a bus ticket for the wrong day. The teacher and I did eventually get on a bus last night and, after little sleep and much waiting, got on a boat to the jungle lodge.
It is a pretty place, well hidden away on a branch of the river. We were greeted by a delicious glass of lemonade.
Lunch was 3 meats. Dessert was literally a slice of pineapple on a plate. Simple and delicious.
Class was interrupted by monkey viewing.
The lodge restaurant uses mostly yellow light in order to not attract bugs.
There are only two other people at the lodge. They are a couple. The guy is German and the girl is Ecuadorian. We speak in Spanish. Looks like it will be a peaceful and studious week.

These chairs are much like the Iron Throne – beautiful until you sit in them.
Copyright 2015 CC-BY-SA
Cost today: $767.85 for the Jungle Spanish program and breakfast.
Cumulative cost: $1,944.31
¹ See this post on methodology.