This was a weekend of rest and getting these posts up.
The bus ride back was my first real long trip here at 11 hours on the bus plus 3 at the terminal. The bus made several stops, including a police ID checkpoint. I got back to la casa just in time for dawn. The rest of the day was a rest day, until evening.
After dinner we went out to the Mariscal. This was my first time without morning plans and my first time to a Quito club. The mix of Latin music and hip hop was strange, but much fun. The four of us spoke to each other in Spanish for much of the night out.
Sunday was another rest day, this time a full one. The only thing I did was go to the cultural movie theater for the bicycle film festival. Some of the short films were inspiring. I’ve almost forgotten that I wanted to do part of this trip by bike.
A night out empties those pockets.
Cost this weekend: $87.15
Cumulative cost: $2,090.06
¹ See this post on methodology.